
2021 Travel Trends: What’s Hot in the World of Travel

2020. What a year. The global pandemic changed a lot of things in the world of travel. It was the year that travel came to a complete standstill and the year that staycations became mainstream. 2020 will have a lasting impact and will affect the way people travel for potentially years to come.

But that doesn’t mean people won’t travel. Fear not; it will be sooner than you think before you’re dusting off your passport and packing your bags. After all, 2021 is a new year. The travel industry will pick itself back up and adapt to new demands. Speaking of new demands, here’s what we predict will be the hottest tickets in town when it comes to travel trends.

Digital Nomadism

The shift from office work to remote work opens up several possibilities for working from home. Digital nomads can now trade in the desk at home for a spot anywhere around the world. Bali’s rice fields or the beaches in South Africa all offer up the perfect office for anyone looking to explore the world while working.

It is believed that your location affects the work you produce. So surely being in a beautiful place would have a positive impact on your work? If not, then you still get to call a stunning part of the world your home. It’s a no-brainer.

Places such as Vakkaru Maldives are offering remote workers packages to come and work in their beautiful piece of paradise. But if you’re looking for a more low-key nomadic experience Mauritius, Bermuda and Barbados are all offering year-long remote work visas for anyone willing to take the step. Tulum offers some great communal spaces at the Ethos Remote Hotel, explicitly designed for travelling workers.


Road tripping in your own mobile home while working sounds like a dream. Explore a country or travel across borders, all while staying connected via your laptop and other devices. Domestic holidays and travelling by road have increased in popularity due to restrictions, and it turns out they can be just as great as flying to another country.

You’ll feel safe and secure in your vehicle, and you won’t have to stress about forgetting something because you’ll have everything you need right there with you. You’ll feel just at home even though you’re busy travelling around the country, getting to know every county.

The future of luxury travel has to be cooking, eating, and sleeping all in the same place. Some of the vehicles are better than some hotels and come with advanced features and super cool designs. Self-sufficient and affordable, you’ll be able to wake up somewhere new whenever you feel like it. You’ll never get bored and are sure to feel inspired every step of the journey.

Emergency Conservation

We’ve been stuck at home for most of 2020. We have had time to think, and Covid-19 helped point out the seriousness of the global environment’s crisis and the deterioration of the planet’s ecosystems. While certain parts of the earth were given time to repair, for instance, the Great Barrier Reef, which has finally started growing again, there are still other parts of the world that need some attention.

Wildlife conservation struggles to continue when the safari parks do not have paying guests. The reserves in places such as Africa rely heavily on tourism to fund the research and to be able to protect the animals from poachers by paying rangers.

Companies such as Pelorus have stepped up to save the day by launching the Pelorus Foundation, which functions as a charity to preserve the wildlife while protecting and promoting it at the same time. This new foundation aims to bring awareness of nature all over the world.

Various other luxury tour operators have started to offer packages and itineraries to help the animals and local communities in the less fortunate areas. 2020 was tough on all of us, but some more than others. Travelling can support a good cause while being just as unique and as much of a vacation as you need. India’s Ranthambore National Park has partnered up with the NGO Tiger Watch to promote this idea. Saving the world is in and not just for 2021!

Private Island Rentals

A discreet and safe way of avoiding people is to hire your very own island away from everyone else. It won’t be the cheapest holiday, but it will be the safest and most luxurious one you would have ever experienced. The Maldives and Seychelles offer these bubble resorts surrounded by the oceans for visitors wanting to socially and practically distance themselves from the rest of the world.

If you’re looking to start the travelling year off with a bang, guests can rent the 154-guest Vommuli Island in the Maldives for roughly £185,500 a night. Seychelles and the Florida Keys all offer similar experiences for similar and more expensive prices. You won’t have to worry about the 2-meter rule when you’re staying on your own island.

The holiday season in 2021 has been off to a slow start, but the world of travel is slowly starting to open up and welcome us in. There are so many ways to stay Covid-conscious while still enjoying yourself. Science will prevail, and it won’t be long before you can travel again, pick up where you left off. Better start planning the itinerary!

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