
What You Should Get From Your Bank Account

The first official bank in the world was established during the Italian Renaissance in Siena. Originally a bank offered a safe place to keep your money. The service was simple, you put money in and can draw it out when needed; If you were lucky you could earn a little interest on your funds.

Today, banks are much more complicated and offer an array of services. You should verify that your bank offers these services or, it could be time to switch banks.

An Online App

Your modern bank account needs to offer an online app, allowing you to effortlessly check your bank from anywhere in the world. This means you can check the availability of funds and what has been debited.

A good online app will also allow you to change your payment limits as needed, making it possible to fund one-off purchases without needing prior authorisation from the bank.


Interest rates fluctuate depending on the economy and inflation. But, at all times you should be getting some interest on any positive balance in your account. It may not add up to much but the principle is important, in case you have more to save.

Pay Bills Online

It’s no longer necessary to pay your bills in person. Today, you can pay any supplier online with a few simple clicks. Your bank account should offer this service, it’s a basic necessity and helps you avoid making late payments.

But, a good bank account will go a step further. As the world is metaphorically shrinking, you are more likely to be dealing with purchases from other countries, specifically Europe.

Your bank account should make it easy to pay European bills without needing to get additional authorisations or identity checks.

Money Transfers

You never know when you need to wire some funds to a family member, friend, or for another purpose. When this happens you will want to be able to make the transfer easily. Your bank account should offer instant transfer, ensuring the funds are with the recipient within 24 hours.

It’s surprisingly reassuring for everyone involved in the issue.


Most people experience a time when there aren’t quite enough funds in the account and a little leeway is helpful. A good bank account will allow you to adjust your overdraft or finances on the fly, ensuring you can meet all your bills and other expenses.

Extra Services

Banks generally have a bad reputation for trying to sell you everything they possibly can. However, it is useful to access quotes for car or house insurance, or even to get a little financial advice. The best bank accounts offer this without trying to hard sell it to you all the time.

Final Thoughts

If your bank isn’t offering you all the services you expect and deserve, it’s time you took a look at what else is out there. Changing your bank account has never been so easy, you can do the entire process online. Try it today, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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