
Is It Legal to Gamble Online in Ireland?

More people have been turning to online gambling over the last year, which is perfectly understandable. The global pandemic has shut down thousands of land-based casinos, as government restrictions led to these facilities being closed to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

As a result, many players turned to online options. In places like New Zealand, Canada, the United States, as well as other places across the globe, players have the option to use an online casino to play their favorite table style games or slot machines.

This is not always the case, however. Some countries do not allow for online gambling. They are barred by national or local governments. In Ireland, there are many who enjoy playing at casinos. The question they may have is if it is legal for them to gamble online in their country?

Great Online Casino Options in Ireland

There are a number of great online casino options available for people in Ireland. You can find the best online casinos for Ireland simply by looking through, where they provide a listing of the very best online casinos available in Ireland.

Not only will you find a listing, but additional information is included as well. You can learn about bonuses that are available for signing up with a particular casino as well as advantages that each site offers. This can include titles of games, live dealer options, and support available to customers. It is a good way to help you find the right choice for playing online.

Yes, But Is It Legal?

You may be looking at this list and say that it is great that a list is provided, but does that mean that it is legal for you to gamble in Ireland? That may seem like a ridiculous question. After all, if there are sites that are available in Ireland, it would seem that it is legal for you to gamble online.

However, that is not an assumption you should make. For example, there are sites that are available for people in Pakistan where they are able to play, but it is not legal for them to do so. Gambling is strictly forbidden in Pakistan, but this is the Internet age. If you are in close proximity to a country that offers legalized gambling, it is not very difficult to access those sites.

This is something that is important to know because there are advantages in using a site that is legally able to operate in your country. If they are, that means they are regulated by the government. That provides you with a certain degree of protection, ensuring that you cannot be cheated or swindled out of your money. This is one of the major reasons why you want to make sure you are living in a country where online gambling is legal and where the operators have been licensed to provide services.

Ok, So Is It Legal?

Let us now dive into the legality of online gambling in Ireland. It is important to understand that it can be a little confusing because laws have changed in the country over the last decade. Since 1956, the government has allowed people to play live poker, but this was not available immediately for online users.

The reason behind this was quite simple. When these laws were written there was no online option available. Online casinos have only become a major industry within the last two decades, so laws have had to catch up to meet this rapidly growing industry.

As a result, Ireland did pass laws that made it legal for people to gamble online in the country. This allows for both domestic and offshore gambling operators to provide services in Ireland and for people to use those services as long as the operator has received the proper local license needed to operate.

All forms of table games and slot machines are available to players. Regardless of whether the user enjoys playing poker, roulette, slot machines, or any other game, they are legally able to do so. The only limitation placed on is the availability of options provided by online casinos. In other words, as long as an online casino offers them the game of their choice, then they are able to play.

This is where reviews of sites can be of great to you. They not only provide you with valuable information regarding bonuses, payment methods, and customer service access, but also tell you about what kind of games you can play and have some of them use live dealer options. For those looking for the very best gaming experience, it pays to spend a little time looking at the link provided at to find the right casino option for you.

Go Ahead – Nothing to Fear

The best part is that if you enjoy playing casino style games and would prefer to do them from your handheld device or computer, then you can legally do so in Ireland. This is a completely legal activity you have no fear of violating the law.

As one final suggestion, make sure that any site you use has been properly licensed. Do not just take the word of the site, however. Check at the government website to ensure that they have received the proper license. This is an important protection to make your gaming experience even more enjoyable.

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