Life Style

Natural Beauty: Using Hedging to Make Your Garden Look Nicer

Many of us enjoy having a garden that looks beautiful, without a lot of work required. While flowering plants can be a nice touch, you may want to consider something significantly larger that could have a positive effect. Adding hedging into your existing layout can be a wonderful way of providing space for nature, while making it easier for you to enjoy both your home and garden. You may want to think about the type of hedging that is right for you, so that you can gain as much as possible from its presence.

Green all year round

Some types of hedging don’t lose their leaves in autumn, which can mean they stay looking beautiful throughout the year. Using these evergreen hedge plants can also be great for individuals who don’t like the thought of leaves marring their otherwise pristine flowerbeds or lawns, or simply hate doing a lot of work. Opting for some that are already part-grown can allow you to put them in and notice immediate results. You may notice that the boundaries of your property are then clearer than before, or even that you feel like you have significantly more privacy, as your hedges could help to stop people from looking into your garden.

Easy to look after

Once a hedge is in place, there may not be a lot required of you to keep it healthy. Your hedge may happily take the nutrients straight from the soil, and hydrate itself with rainwater. You may only need to step in during times of drought. Realistically, the only level of care required may be pruning on an annual basis. This can help to keep your hedge growing nicely, and allow you to shape and size it into something that best suits you. Should you want the hedge kept at a very specific length, you could then choose to do smaller trims throughout the year. However, these may not be essential, allowing you to cut down on the amount of work required out in your garden.

Consider the benefits

Having a hedge doesn’t just help to improve the beauty of your garden. There may also be a number of other benefits that you could take advantage of. For some families, encouraging nature to come into the garden can be important, especially when you live in a city or on a busy estate. A hedge provides cover, food, and even a home for a number of different creatures. You may also find that it helps to reduce some of the noise pollution coming into your home, which can be great if you don’t want the sounds of people and traffic to ruin your day. They might also be able to protect you and your plants from nature as well, such as from too much rain or even strong winds.

You might want to think about installing hedging into your garden the next time you fancy a change. This can help to improve the appearance of the space, and even allow you to spend more time outside without others looking in.

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