
Common Mistakes That are Ruining Your E-commerce Business

Many retailers and businessmen are still trying to figure out the tricky concept of website development. It certainly isn’t easy to design your own e-commerce website, especially if you are new to it. E-commerce websites offer more to customers than just catalogs and product listings. It provides a comprehensive shopping experience to the customers, including the payment option and page design.

The actual work begins as you launch your store, and building the shopping website is the first step. Learning through trial and error isn’t necessarily the smartest way to learn for beginners. Here are a few common mistakes that can significantly damage your reputation online. Read on to learn more about the common mistakes that can ruin your E-commerce business.

Not Choosing The Right Platform

The foundation of your e-commerce website is formed by the website building platform. This platform decides the store’s reach, design, performance, appeal, and success. Hence you mustn’t screw it up. The majority of the website builders that are available online allow you to create websites that are functional and do not require you to write a line of code. That being said, others require you to have some coding skills.

Some website builders assist growing startups, while others go well with blog sites as various website builders serve different purposes. You must choose the right platform with elements that allow you to create the web store by catering to your requirements.

Not Having A Logo

After selecting the right platform and developing the site to fit your requirements, you need to start working on establishing an online identity. This identity of the website is formed by the domain name and the hosting service, giving your website the recognition and appeal it needs. For better visibility, most e-commerce websites feature a unique logo.

A logo is one of the first things that a user notices as they visit your site, and it works to leave a lasting impression on the visitors. You don’t really need to spend a fortune to create a logo by hiring professional designers. There are many affordable options available online for you to create a logo quickly.

You can use that logo in your product packaging as well while delivering the product. It will be an added marketing for your brand. Use the logo and your company name on the package tape to increase visibility on the field as well.

Having Incomplete Contact Information

The About Page is a powerful tool that many web marketers have failed to fathom. According to surveys, the About Page is the second most viewed page of a website. Your chances of success are lowered significantly if your website does not have an about page. Providing incomplete information in this page or skipping it altogether will significantly hamper the credibility of your website.

The about page is a great medium to get your story out there and include the contact information and the actual location details of your store. The customers will still want to know the location from where the products are shipped from, even though your store is online. Its also a good idea to create a separate email so that customers can recognize it instantly.

Not Including Images

Most customers will judge your website by its cover, getting attracted only if it is interesting and pleasing to the eyes. Most customers don’t bother about the long descriptions in the extensive blogs included on your website. Rather, video tutorials, images, and graphics do a far better job of attracting customers. A great way to attract customers’ attention is to include brand names and logos of popular companies in your store.

Customers are more likely drawn to websites that have well-known brands featured rather than the ones that do not have any logos or images that prove the product’s authenticity. Remember to get the copyright from the company before you add their logos to your website.

Not Having The Right Amount of Social Proof

If you think that just by creating a web store, you will get the desired results, you are mistaken; you will need to advertise it adequately. If you are looking to get your business out there, the social media platforms are a great place to do it.

This is a great place to learn of the topics that are trending and the themes that are making the rounds at the moment, along with reaching out to more people to let them know about your business.

You can add comments and reviews by your customers to the website to encourage more people to check out your store. But remember to only create a reviews section on your site once you have sufficient positive reviews that you can proudly feature.

Not Having an SEO Strategy

How you rank on the major search engines ultimately decides the fate of your website, no matter how appealing and professional it is. Your chances of success are automatically enhanced if your website is featured on the first page of the search results. This makes a good SEO ranking crucial for your website.

You must remember that SEO is not only adding a few popular search phrases or keywords on the website. It includes various other elements such as giving you the concept of what to post and at what time to publish so that it reaches the maximum number of users. You can include plain text captions for each graphic content, as this is an effective way to boost your page’s SEO.

Final Words

You must provide the tech-savvy online shopper with a convenient and comprehensive shopping experience as they are not just looking for lucrative deals on products. Some of the errors mentioned above are only a few mistakes that newbies in the industry make. However, you can easily avoid these obstacles by being alert and aware and enhance the appeal of your website significantly. So avoid making these e-commerce mistakes to improve your website ranking, ultimately achieving a global reach for your business.

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