
The Best Replacement for Video Games

Scholars join colleges in millions yearly, each dreaming of acquiring relevant certifications and securing a future. As expected, most of them complete their studies, graduate, and follow their desired career paths. However, not everyone who enters university will end up like this considering about a third of undergraduates drop out.

Various factors lead to low academic performance and high drop-out rates. Common examples include a lack of preparedness, homesickness, financial limitations, demotivation, personal challenges, and insufficient guidance. However, today’s scholars have one huge hurdle to beat to triumph academically: video games.

Of course, video games can benefit scholars’ brains immensely. But they have several setbacks that could deter learners from their academic goals. This guide will review their negative effects and the best replacements that guarantee personal growth and academic success.

How Does Gaming Affect Students?

Studies indicate that video games can have adverse consequences on student performance. They’re readily available, and it’s easy to be addicted. Research shows that learners as young as seven years face the negative implications of gaming.

Gaming can substantially affect students’ physical health. For instance, too much of it can cause a sedentary lifestyle, which can cause weight gain and other health complications. In addition, most students spend hours on the screen, suffering visual discomforts like eye strain.

Gaming also affects students’ mental health. The greatest challenge is addiction, and most scholars can’t do without gaming. This leads them to neglect their relationships, responsibilities, and well-being. In addition, some competitive and violent games can increase desensitization to violence and aggressive behavior. The fast-paced stimuli in these games can hinder concentration on slower-paced tasks. Also, late-night gaming can cause sleep deprivation.

Video games can also alter players’ performance. Too much of it can decrease focus, and those who prioritize gaming over work-related tasks might experience reduced job performance and productivity. There’s also the challenge of negative social impact, where players risk online harassment and desensitization to real-world issues or emotions.

Finally, gaming can have its opportunity costs. Students who spend too much time gaming can miss opportunities for personal growth, hobbies, and other meaningful activities. In addition, the games have their financial costs as students have to acquire high-end gaming setups, subscriptions, and in-game purchases.

Viable Replacements for Video Games

While staying off video games can help scholars avoid the above adverse effects of gaming, it’s not that easy to cut off the activity altogether. Thus, the best approach would be to replace the activity with something equally intriguing yet offering other vital benefits. Here are some great examples:

Martial Arts

Gun-related titles are all the rage nowadays. However, melee fighting games like Street Fighter and Tekken also have their place. Generally, these games have lots of superpower capabilities, but they’re mostly based on martial arts concepts. These activities have fascinated gamers of all ages, from the early years of Don Yen and Bruce Lee to the currently popularized MMA phenomenon.

Most scholars who enjoy martial arts games have never considered combat sports. However, it’s a practical idea that can effectively put them in shape and boost their discipline. Of course, it takes effort, time, and determination to master and progress in any martial art. So any adult or child who follows this due process is likely to benefit immensely from the activity.

Time is not an issue, as scholars can always use essay writer service providers whenever they need more time to participate in martial arts.

Internships at Startups 

Taking up an internship opportunity is a great way to do away with the negative impacts of video games. Scholars accustomed to strategy games and collectible cards can have an edge with internships. This class of gamers is conversant with navigating complex systems, and their subject mastery is on another level. In addition, these games boost their competitive drive.

Small and medium-sized companies are competitive and complex, and staff members mostly have to complete additional tasks beyond their daily activities. Thus, a gamer will likely experience the challenge they’re accustomed to. Political, financial, or tech-based SMEs offer a bonus point as these startups require strategic thinkers and problem solvers. 


Rock climbing is gaining popularity by the day, and the advent of indoor bouldering setups has given the activity a new lease of life. It’s a great replacement for video games as it helps participants enhance their upper body strength. Besides getting a full-body workout, a student will be excited to schedule a high wall. This is way better than video games, considering it’s a genuinely enjoyable form of exercise.

At first, you might think that all forms of bouldering are similar. However, the main distinction is that participants must scale complicated obstacles closer to ground level. Thus, participants don’t fear climbing the high wall. In addition, they gain new techniques and skills to overcome the hurdles, enhancing their overall physical and mental abilities.

Nature Activities

Scholars who participate in nature enjoy a holistic range of benefits surpassing the confines of video game virtual experiences. These activities can befit scholars who enjoy adventure and sports-based games, as this group is highly curious and enjoys exploration. They promote physical health through exercise and fresh air. This, in turn, fosters improved cardiovascular fitness, enhances motor skills, and facilitates vitamin D absorption.

Nature activities also enhance mental well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and screen-induced strain. At the same time, they stimulate creativity and cognitive functions by exposing players to diverse sensory stimuli. Spending lots of time in nature can boost social interaction and create bonding opportunities. Therefore, players forge connections with the environment and others. It is a great way to reverse the impacts of sedentary video games.

Battlefield Laser Tag

There are vast video game genres to explore. However, most of the popular titles involve combat. This explains why it’s difficult to identify a real-life fun activity that mirrors the setting and excitement of shooting games. Fortunately, scholars who love battlefield games can find solace in battlefield laser tag.

This activity uses advanced tech and immerses players in a forest setting with vast combat scenarios to keep them engaged. Players will need the essential elements of successful teamwork when playing laser games, including creativity, communication, and team tactics. All these transferable skills make this activity ideal for a group of students seeking to detox from virtual gaming.

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