
What Can Marketing Analytics Tell You About Your Business?

In order to achieve success in your marketing efforts, you need to be able to monitor, evaluate, and refine every aspect of your marketing performance.

This can only be achieved when you have a continuous flow of clear and concise data surrounding your marketing, where you gain a full picture on how customers are engaging with your business.

How can you achieve this? It’s simple – through marketing analytics.

Read on to learn what marketing analytics are, and what they can tell you about your business when you incorporate an advanced marketing analytics tool.

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What are marketing analytics?

Marketing analytics are key insights into your marketing performance, which give you a variety of extensive data to help you analyse multiple aspects of your marketing.

There are various different types of marketing analytics you can receive for your business, and each one will reveal something crucial about how customers are engaging with you.

In order to receive marketing analytics, you need a marketing analytics tool to gather the data for you. One of the best examples is call tracking software.

With call tracking, you’ll gain high-quality analytics for your marketing, where you’ll be able to track and analyse various aspects of your customer calls, including: calls generated from your pay per click (PPC) activity, marketing sources which deliver inbound enquiries, high-quality call leads from marketing sources, and any relevant keywords mentioned in calls.

You’ll also receive analytics for customer engagement throughout your business, with a range of detailed insights and reports that reveal how each customer is interacting across all your marketing activities, campaigns, and channels.

Marketing analytics are vital for both understanding and controlling your marketing, which is why an expert software like call tracking is essential.

What can marketing analytics tell you about your business?

When using an advanced tool – such as call tracking – to extract marketing analytics, this can reveal many crucial things about your business, including:

  • The strongest areas of your marketing

Marketing analytics can help you establish the strongest areas of your marketing, and more importantly, you can use this information to improve other areas of your marketing as well.

With call tracking, you’ll receive thorough insights and reports on customer engagement throughout your marketing, and these analytics will help you outline your customers’ journeys.

When you can see all the touchpoints visited by each customer, you’ll know which marketing activities are generating the highest number of leads and sales for your business – these are your strongest marketing areas.

On top of that, you can take different elements of your stronger marketing activities and replicate them in new activities you create, so they also engage customers successfully.

  • How you’re handling the customer experience

You can also use marketing analytics to identify how well you’re shaping the customer experience for your phone callers.

Speech analytics is a feature within your call tracking software that automatically transcribes every customer call and recognises any important keywords mentioned in the conversation.

By doing this, you’ll clearly see how well customers are engaged during calls, and can evaluate how customers are responding. Are they showing interest in a purchase? Were they satisfied when the call ended?

This will allow you to refine any areas of your phone calls that need improving, so you can elevate the customer experience and increase your chances of making a sale with callers.

There are many other ways marketing analytics can reveal crucial information about your marketing, so be sure to get your own expert software – such as call tracking – and explore these analytics for yourself.

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