Life Style

Which Bathroom Decor Suits Your Family Best?

When it comes to fitting out a bathroom, it’s easy to define what you want and how you want it to look. But for busy modern families, there is a great deal of other considerations to take into account before making any final decisions. 

For instance, how are you going to get that dream luxury bathroom you’ve always wanted while making sure the kids have space too? How can you ensure that this stunning new bathroom maintains its beautiful look, and doesn’t get cluttered and filthy on a daily basis when you’re getting everyone ready for the school run? To make sure you accomplish tranquillity and convenience, it’s important to decide which decor works for the entire family. 

Bathtubs and basins

While some families may experience pure chaos during their morning routines, having the right kind of bath and basin combinations will provide you with a reminder that a bathroom is also a place for calm and tranquillity once the mid-morning routine has settled. Lusso Stone baths offer the kind of luxury and indulgence that a family deserves, without taking up as much of that precious space needed for bigger families. A deep, understated bathtub and basin combination adds some much-needed serenity to the space while giving off that opulent feel at the same time. 


For families, good-quality tiles are an essential part of the modern bathroom puzzle. However, it’s always best to consider what works for your needs and everyday life, as well as what gives off that air of class and sophistication. Consider choosing large-scale tiles that have a clean and concise look. Not only are they great for making the area feel more spacious and free, but due to fewer areas for grim to collect, they’ll be far easier to clean as well. 

Storage units 

For modern bathrooms, accessibility and style are not mutually exclusive concepts. In fact, with some simple storage units and containers, you can have both with relative ease! Look into soft-coloured decorative jars – one for each family member. They’ll be able to put their toiletries and toothbrushes in there and keep all shelves free of clutter. One or two simple but elegant cabinets can keep anything else kept out of sight but easy to reach when needed. 

Lighting fixtures

A bustling bathroom that can get multiple visits from a family in large numbers needs to have strong but stylish lighting to accommodate them. If the lighting isn’t perfect, the work you’ve put in with your fixtures can be completely lost, and make the space look lifeless and drab. 

Consider one large overhead lighting fixture that doesn’t affect your space on the ground, or add some LED lighting strips to your vanity mirrors and shelves. This combination of strong lighting and warm inviting hues can make a family bathroom far more welcoming. 

With these considerations taken into account, you’ll soon be basking in the kind of bathroom that’s warm, inviting, relaxing and family-friendly. In no time, you’ll be able to accommodate the kids before switching off for some private time in the comfort of your luxury bathroom space. 

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