
4 Simple Steps to Make Your Dream Yachting Holiday Come True

Who doesn’t love the idea of setting off on a luxury yacht or catamaran, docking at a local harbour and then experiencing all of the enjoyment and exhilaration of a well-planned trip? Fortunately, your dream yachting holiday could soon become a reality by following the 4 quick and easy steps that we’ll be talking about in this article. With the information, you’ll be ready to begin making bookings, planning your trip and enjoying all that the experience has to offer.

First, Decide on a Location

From Croatia and Greece, to Turkey and everywhere in between – in our experience, Mediterranean boat trips are always far more enjoyable than other places around the world, simply because the weather in these regions is far more appealing than other more unpredictable locations. A good yacht charter will benefit from gentle winds and plenty of sunshine, as opposed to gale forces and pouring rain and lightning storms.

In addition, there are many reputable boating agencies in and near the Mediterranean such as Boat Around, who just so happen to specialise in yacht rentals where you can enjoy taking a vessel out (if you have the relevant ICC license), or with the aid of a ship captain who will look after your safety and navigation. Once you’ve picked a location however, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step.

Contacting a Reputable Boating Company

As mentioned briefly above, a reputable agency should be a priority and once you’ve decided on a potential candidate for your trip, get to know a little bit more about them. You can do this by reading through online reviews, although be sure to find an honest and unbiased site to ensure that the reviews are fair.

Another option would be to contact the provider directly to ask them any questions that you might have, or to see how responsive they are. A reliable agency will prioritise the wants and needs of their clients, and this is something that you’ll only be able to find out by making the effort to interact with them. If they seem friendly, polite and helpful, then the chances are that you’re on to a good option.

Decide on Your Vessel

From a catamaran, all the way to a speedboat, if you have a particular craft in mind, then be sure to find out if the agency has them available. Bookings should be performed in advance to avoid disappointment, but we’ll cover more on this in the next step. For now, you’ll likely want to know what the boat in question offers, if it will be suitable for your needs, the general size of the yacht if you opt for this type of model, and how much it will cost.

A professional boating company will likely do their best to make this information as readily available as possible, so you might not even need to contact them directly if you don’t mind browsing their website to learn more about what they have on offer.

Prepare Your Booking

Hiring a boat isn’t like renting a car. Vessels will usually have to be properly inspected and prepared, and this will add to your reassurance, but can also put you in hot water if you don’t make your booking in advance. By doing so, you can reserve your yacht and then count down the days until you’ll have access to it.

The same applies for private rentals whereby you take your boat out under your own command, as well as hiring a captain to control the craft. Whichever option you go for, don’t leave your booking until the last minute, or you might find that you prepared absolutely everything else, only to find that no boat is available for hire and then you’ll be stuck between a rock and a hard place. This is why experts always recommend taking your time when it comes to planning so that every detail has been considered.

With these 4 tips, we’re sure that you’ll be all set for your yachting adventure. Your dream holiday could be just a few steps away and once everything has been efficiently planned and booked, you will be able to enjoy the ideal vacation without having to consider it out of reach for any longer. When in doubt, always contact your boat rental agency for help along the way, as they’ll likely have information from local travel agencies as well to ensure that everything is sufficiently aligned so that your dream holiday can take place without a hitch.

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