
How HCI Solutions Power Digital Transformation

The COVID-19 health crisis has been described as a disruptive black swan event for businesses worldwide. However, it also offered organisations the chance to pause their operations and review their digital transformation plans – and the factors that drive the present remote working culture. 

Businesses of all sizes are under tremendous pressure to find solutions to streamline operations, manage costs, and identify fast-track innovations. They’re in a continuous search for agile and flexible tools that enable them to accelerate their digitalisation journey and provide them with an environment that speeds their evolution in the market. Digital transformation is a defining initiative for the brands looking for ways to acquire the leading positions in their industry. It requires the IT sector to invest in agile, cost-efficient, reliable, easily-scalable, and flexible solutions that accommodate change and deliver a high level of security and performance to users. 

What is digital transformation?

Tech specialists define digital transformation as a continuous adaptation to a changing setting. An essential step in integrating digital transformation into a company’s operations is for the runners to ask themselves how they can adapt their practices to maximise available tech investments. Digitalisation implies everything from cloud computing to the adoption of modern IT and a switch to new technology that facilitates the introduction of new processes. 

Customer demands are often the main factors that facilitate and require digital transformation, making hyper-convergence a natural stage for the organisations moving towards it. 

How does digital transformation look?

According to experts, there are four types of digital transformation. 

–         Cultural transformation. Some companies use tech tools and software that trigger issues between collaborators, suppliers, and partners. Cultural transformation implies putting several companies on the same technological page and employing the same software and tools to streamline operations and improve customer experience. 

–         Process transformation. It includes the collaboration of tools, applications, procedures, and workers by transforming models, services, and processes by using technology to boost the employees’ skills and aptitudes. 

–         Domain transformation. Digital transformation can be used to add or switch new markets or domains. 

–         Business model transformation. Some companies use digital transformation to update their traditional business models.

The most common technologies used for digital transformation

– Augmented reality

– Cloud

– Mobile

– AI & Machine Learning

– IoT

What is hyper-converged infrastructure?

Over the last years, much of the conversation about digital transformation revolved around hyper-converged infrastructure, the fastest-growing category in data centre infrastructure. Why? The technology provides benefits that support digital transformation, such as scalability, simplified management, and elimination of silos. 

HCI solutions combine local storage and data centre storage with tech tools to create a virtual environment that replaces traditional infrastructure elements and brings them together in a single network that enhances productivity, improves security, and provides more scalable resources. HCI supports digital transformation because it enables IT organisations to exploit areas of their businesses that need modernisation. 

Why is hyper-convergence the fastest track to digital transformation?

HCI allows companies to accelerate their digital transformation journeys because it benefits them in countless ways. Hyper-converged infrastructure enables entrepreneurs to develop infrastructures that match their business needs. 

HCI solutions are simple and intelligent

An HCI platform like that from leverages tech tools proactively and predictively to track the company’s infrastructure while fixing problems to prevent them from causing issues. Equipped with state-of-art features, it can optimise business operations and deploy automated configurations. 

HCI solutions eliminate silos

A crucial step towards digital transformation is eliminating or reducing redundancy in a company’s processes. When a business succeeds to eliminate overlapping workflows, it can focus on the initiatives that could add extra value and enable goal achievement. If an organisation is able to get rid of redundancy with the help of an automated tool, it’s a step closer to digital transformation. An HCI platform places computing and storage under the same umbrella and removes the need for external storage, which is beneficial for an organisation because external storage arrays require specific maintenance and management skills.       

HCI solutions boost productivity

Because most HCI platforms integrate predictive analytics, they enable companies to streamline their processes. One of their most significant benefits is eliminating the time spent on routine tasks, mundane projects, and other similar operations that waste resources. They allow organisations to focus on creating innovative solutions that could drive new business opportunities. Companies expect a better cost of ownership when they use HCI solutions because they prevent overprovisioning and cut down operational and data costs. 

HCI solutions enable scalability

Sector professionals promote the value of instant scalability of cloud tools, and companies can leverage this feature to boost their business growth. When first employing an HCI solution, the user has to spend some time adding notes to the cluster. The time spent to complete the task is vital because it introduces a level of built-in governance and keeps away the inefficient sprawl associated with the public cloud. 

HCI platforms prevent organisations from wasting resources because they scale storage independently. Depending on their needs, companies can scale differently to ensure corporate continuity. 

HCI solutions facilitate simplified management

One of the most outstanding benefits companies have when using HCI platforms is that they can enforce standardisation. After employing an HCI platform, data centre administrators can move management processes to the designed platform to eradicate the variables that could cause complexities in business environments and prevent a company from adopting automation. The integration of HCI solutions can speed up a company’s journey on its path to digital transformation. 

When a business uses a single platform to manage its data, the users can make changes on the go. It’s easy to implement new software when using cloud technology because the administrator has access to built-in processes that work automatically. 

The bottom line

All digital transformation journeys should start and end with the customer, and business runners should be aware of it. The public expects more from companies nowadays, leaving them looking for ways to enable efficient communication, secure remote work, easy customer service, and methods to secure data. This article showed how HCI tools enable digital transformation, which is crucial in providing the public with a top-notch experience. 

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