
How Tech Innovations Are Changing Dentistry for the Better

With almost every industry feeling the effects of the Covid-19 crisis on its daily business practices – most notably the huge rise in the adoption of video conferencing services across the board – a number of technological innovations are coming to the fore, changing the way many industries operate for good.

Dentistry is no different.

In fact, it is starting to feel this shift towards greater reliance on technology more than most. While all change is difficult to deal with at first, this tech revolution has the potential to improve dentistry and help a great deal of patients and practices.

Here’s how tech innovations are changing dentistry for the better:

Stock can be organised easier and bought for less

One of the greatest innovations of the past decade has been the increase of online wholesalers making bulk buying products easy, cheap and pain-free. However, until relatively recently, this has been primarily the domain of personal items like books and clothes. 

However, thanks to the rise of dentist equipment retailers like Kent Express, dentist practices can order their supplies from a single marketplace, allowing them to avoid time-sapping searches for particular products, and allowing them to implement simple, cost-effective supply chains month after month.

3D imaging is making cavity scanning more effective

This is a fundamental shift in the way dentistry is done. By using 3D imaging software, dentists can avoid using physical moulds to take imprints of a patient’s teeth. Instead, they simply scan the teeth and attach the read-out to a computer, where a virtual replication of the patient’s teeth is shown. This improves the efficiency and accuracy of dentistry (making the dentist’s job easier) and improves the experience of the patient. 

This is particularly useful in the production of dentures. While in the past, it took a great deal of time for the dentist to take the patient’s impressions, with 3D technology, it can be done much faster and more comfortably. This, coupled with 3D printing, can rapidly increase many dental processes’ speed.

Patients can take their health into their own hands

The first thing a dentist will tell their patients to do is clean their teeth better. 

Well, brushing teeth is starting to become a lot easier. Thanks to smart toothbrushes, which can tell you how well you’re brushing your teeth in minute detail and record how long you’re brushing for.

One clear benefit is that it tells the dentist exactly how well their patient is taking care of their teeth, allowing them to act accordingly. It can also help people take their dental hygiene and health into their own hands in a way that was more difficult before.

It will be easier to keep on top of issues before they deteriorate and make the dentist’s job easier.

VR will change the way dentists look for problems

Virtual reality technology has been a sleeping giant for over two decades, but now it is finally being adopted by a variety of industries, including dentistry.

This is because it offers incredible training and operative capabilities. VR, for example, can be used to relax patients who are undergoing a procedure. It has tested favourably compared to the traditional anaesthetic and can boost patient wellbeing considerably if implemented correctly. This is because virtual reality is just that – a virtual world that patients can escape to and distract themselves from immediate discomfort.

Another use of VR is in dental training. By carrying out mock operations in the virtual world, dental training can be made far safer and more efficient. A trainee can theoretically train as regularly as necessary, without needing a real or dummy patient.

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