
Laptops vs Desktops: A Business Guide

Whether you are looking to kit out a new office, upgrade your current tech, or for ways to increase workplace efficiency, updating your computer systems can be the ideal solution. When it comes to purchasing new business computers, most people find themselves asking the same question, should I buy a laptop or desktop? This guide is here to help business owners discover the best-suited computers for their business needs.


As lenovo explains, a laptop is one of the most versatile pieces of technology that you are likely to use in an office environment, specifically, a two-in-one laptop. Two-in-one laptops are essentially a laptop and tablet in one. Two-in-one laptops are durable, reliable, and versatile. A two-in-one laptop is a great solution for business people that conduct work in a variety of environments. Not only does a two-in-one computer facilitate versatility in working environments but also working styles. Transforming from a standard computer setup to a tablet touchscreen means that you can go from word processing to taking handwritten notes in the second. The versatility of a two-in-one laptop means that business people can remain productive wherever they are.

On-site Maintenance

When you are asking yourself, should I purchase a desktop or laptop computer, you should consider the type of support you have access to. Desktop computers have a larger range of parts than laptops do. This means that some people will require additional IT support when setting up a desktop computer. If you do not have on-site IT support, then you might struggle to fully complete your desktop setup. Laptops are much simpler to start operating and require you to understand and maintain fewer pieces of equipment.

Screen Size

Another consideration that you will need to make when deciding between a laptop and a desktop computer is screen size. Laptops tend to have smaller screens than desktop computers, and the average laptop screen is between 13 to 15 inches. Desktops offer you the ability to choose between a wider range of screens as the monitor is purchased separately. If you are regularly completing detailed work on your computer that requires you to focus on small sections of the screen, then you might want to consider purchasing a larger desktop screen. Alternatively, if the laptop’s practicability and versatility suit your working style better, you can always purchase a stand-alone monitor that can be connected to a laptop when needed.

Memory and Storage

Most businesses now save their data in the cloud; this means that the storage that your computer has is less of important consideration to make. However, if your work relies on you using several large applications and software, then you will need to find an applicable computer. Desktop computers usually have a larger amount of memory and storage for a lower price. This does not mean that it is impossible to find a laptop that has a large amount of memory or storage, just that it is easier to find it more cheaply with a desktop.

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