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Moscato Wine: Everything You Need to Know About It

Moscato Italiano is one of the most loved wines in Italy and abroad. Many love the intense and unique flavour of this drink that, very often, represents the icing on the cake on joyful occasions.

This beverage has very ancient origins. Some experts think that this wine was drunk in ancient Greece. Greek heroes and soldiers loved this wine and drank it on festive occasions.

So, let’s answer some questions: Where does this wine come from? How is it produced? What is the history behind it? Here is everything you need to know about Italian Moscato wine.

The history of this Italian wine

First of all, it is good to consider some information about the history of this wine: the oldest variant of Moscato seems to be Moscato Bianco. Years later, the Romans copied Greek traditions and imported this wine. Since then, Moscato wine, also known as Muscatel, has become a typical product of the Italian territory.

In the early 1300s, Pietro De Crescenzi wrote a treatise that contained the first definition of Moscato Wine. The paper of this scholar shows us two things. The first one is how the wine had become famous throughout the peninsula at that time. Besides, this essay highlighted how the drink had become a luxury commodity among the most famous merchants.

Nowadays, the tradition of producing this wine has not stopped. Many Italian producers work with passion and professionalism, mixing innovation and ancient methods. In this way, they can offer high-quality Italian Moscato Wine.

What are the grapes used to make this wine?

Italian producers use four varieties of grapes to obtain Moscato Wine. Of course, the type of Moscato varies according to the grapes used.

The first type is White Muscat. These grapes are grown in Piedmont, a region of northern Italy. In detail, the White Muscat crops are found in the cities of Asti, Alessandria, and Cuneo. Wines of various kinds come from these grapes. White Muscat has an aromatic taste, sometimes sparkling. Everyone can feel it when drinking an Italian Muscat wine.

The second one is the Yellow Muscat. This type is the least common in Italy. Probably, these grapes grew in Syria, for this reason, they are scarce on the Italian territory. Yellow grapes are grown in the Veneto region, on the Euganean Hills. From these grapes comes the Moscato Fiori d’Arancio, a sparkling and fragrant wine.

Then there is the Pink Muscat. This variant grows in many areas of Italy. However, the largest production area is in Trentino Alto-Adige. The Pink Grapes are very fragrant, they have a wonderful smell. Moscato Rosa has produced thanks to these grapes. However, this is a rare wine as its processing is complicated. However, tasting it is a must for those who want to try a glass of delicious and unforgettable wine.

The last variety is the Muscat of Scanzo. The latter takes its name from a small town near Bergamo, in Lombardy. Not surprisingly, it is exclusive of this area. It is impossible to find the Muscat of Scanzo in another part of the Italian territory. From this variety comes a sweet wine, with an intense flavour and rich in aromas.

When to drink an Italian Moscato?

Italian Moscato Wine is the ideal choice on many occasions. This wine is sparkling and good, also those who do not drink wine will love it.

So, it’s a good idea to have a glass of Italian Moscato on joyful occasions. For example, this wine can be drunk during birthday parties or anniversaries. Moreover, Moscato is the wine to drink during special lunches and dinners with family, friends and your other half.

What are the recommended food pairings?

There are several recipes to pair with a bottle of this wine. Usually, Italian Muscat goes perfectly with desserts. Its sparkling and aromatic taste combines perfectly with cake sugar, crepes, and puddings.

Moreover, a glass of wine can be drunk during aperitifs. In particular, a Moscato is perfect for appetizers based on crustaceans or molluscs.

However, it is possible to drink this wine while eating cured meats. In particular, Moscato Bianco is suitable for those who want to eat salty dishes. Pairing it with ham and salami is strongly recommended. Similarly, the wine goes well with fresh and typical Italian cheeses such as Pecorino, Provolone, and Caciocavallo.

Besides, it is interesting to find out how this wine is drunk in the USA. US people prefer to combine it with spicy foods derived from traditional Indian cuisine. The result may seem extravagant, but it is unique! In a nutshell, anyone should try it at least once in their life.

Ultimately, anyone should remember that Moscato is a wine to be tasted at cool temperatures. The ideal temperature for tasting this wine varies between 6 and 8 degrees centigrade.

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