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Offbeat Jobs for Those Looking for a Career Shake-up

Ever wanted to try something new? You’re not alone. We all feel like we’re trapped in our jobs, even if we love them. Sometimes it’s just fun to try something new and shake things up a bit.

You don’t have to settle for a traditional job. In fact, it’s probably one of the best times in history to be looking for something unexpected and exciting. There are so many cool jobs out there that you can try on for size before deciding if they’re right for you.

With that in mind, we’ve compiled a range of offbeat jobs that could be right up your alley, especially if you’re done with the standard 9-to-5 grind and want to try something new.

If you’re not sure how to even start applying for any of the unconventional jobs listed below,  you can find hundreds of resume examples and samples for offbeat jobs online.

Whether you’re just looking to shake up your career for a more exciting daily routine or need to find a position out of necessity because you lost our job during the pandemic, you’re sure to find an appealing option from our offbeat list!

Tattoo Artist

If you’re enthusiastic about getting tattoos and have a background in art and illustration, why not combine your passion and skills and consider training to be a tattoo artist?

While this was once widely seen as a job for rebels or outcasts, tattooing is now more popular and socially accepted than ever, and chances are you know more people with tattoos than without.

To get started, you’ll want to compile a portfolio of your work and could then try to get an internship under an experienced tattooist in a tattoo academy or parlor.

Make no mistake, becoming a working tattoo artist requires hard work. You might not make much money at first, if people like your designs then there will always be customers willing to pay good money for quality tattoos!

Courtroom Sketch Artist

Another offbeat job where you can put artistic training to good use, a courtroom sketch artist role could be ideal if you have good observation and drawing skills. Some courts don’t allow video or audio recording devices inside their chambers, especially in high-profile cases, so courtroom sketch artists are always in demand.

Courtroom artists are usually hired by news organizations to keep a visual record of courtroom proceedings. They can be called upon to draw sketches of witnesses, jurors and defendants—and even judges and solicitors. If you’re a fan of true crime and handy with a pen and paper this could be your new favorite job!

Ice-Cream or Chocolate Taster

If you’re a fan of sweet treats, consider becoming an ice cream or chocolate taster. It’s basically like being a wine expert, but with creamy delights instead of grapes.

You’ll work in research and development—testing out flavors, making sure they’re just right for consumers’ palates. You might also have to help develop new recipes and combine different textures (like nuts or caramel) into delicious treats.

While this job sounds fun and glamorous, it’s likely that you’ll still need some qualifications to land one. This could include a degree or certificate in nutrition and dietetics.

Professional Sleeper

Sleeping for a living? That’s right – It’s a thing. You can apply to be a professional sleeper and literally get paid to sleep!

Professional sleeper positions are most commonly advertised by hotels looking to test out the comfort of mattresses. You might spend several rights sleeping in different rooms and beds, and then be required to rate and review each one. You may also be able to find a professional sleeper role in a research lab or study.

Pet Hairdresser

As any owner of a pet is likely to know, dogs and cats benefit from good grooming. That’s where you come in! If you’re good with animals and people, you could be a pet hairdresser.

This job is perfect for pet lovers who are also skilled at cutting hair, as well as those who have experience working in hair and beauty salons or spas. A pet hairdresser is responsible for grooming pets of all shapes and sizes—from cats to horses—but they usually work on dogs, and the work can either be done at a professional grooming shop or from home.

Professional Gambler

Professional gambling is probably the least likely of all the jobs on this list. However, if you have a knack for numbers and can handle the risk (and potential addiction), a career in the gambling industry could be your ticket to success.

If you’re interested in becoming an expert gambler but don’t know where to start, there are plenty of resources available online that will teach you everything from card counting techniques to how to read the faces of other players at poker tables. If you feel like you’re already a pro, then just start doing your thing!

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