Life Style

The Colour Trends That Will Dominate the Interior Design Landscape in 2024

The new colour trends that appear every year in interior design are one of the most highly-anticipated categories and among the most amply discussed. Many of those that care about the industry start offering their predictions a few months before the new year, and numerous brands have already chosen names for the hues they will use. Over the past few years, more subdued colours and neutrals have been the most popular, but 2024 seems to be a little different from that perspective. Neutral shades aren’t going away, but they’ll be paired with brighter shades as well, to create nice, refreshing contrasts. 

If you have a redecoration in the near future, here are some of the colours you should think of including. 


A forever classic, grey will never go out of style no matter how much time passes. It has been trendy in interior design since at least the 2010s, but it has always been a staple due to its timelessness and ability to blend well with everything. In 2024, the trend is for softer, more subdued greys, and for using them as part of accent pieces rather than to decorate entire walls or large areas. For instance, you can choose to create a kitchen with dove grey units since they are both sophisticated and practical. 

To create a beautiful design, choose more colourful and bold items to surround the grey. It will really bring both of them into focus, and result in an aesthetically pleasing look. 


Green has become very popular owing to the increasing push for sustainability and the love for natural patterns and materials into the household. Pretty much all shades of green will be popular in 2024, so you have a lot of room for creativity and choosing anything that fits your style. Although it might not seem so, green can actually count as a neutral depending on the shade. Really dark shades can be used to substitute black, while lighter, mint green shades can replicate white or ecru. 

This way, you can put other colours next to them, without worrying that the entire design will become too much or that the colours will clash unpleasantly. The more muted, earthy tones are popular in 2024 as well. They are more approachable for some homeowners, as they have a calming effect that many find comforting. Bronze greens are a little quirkier, a deeper variation of the olive shade that, when used well, can create a very sophisticated look. 


Part of the same trend that favours earthy tones, brown has become gradually more popular over the past two years. Here too, all shades work, so the one you will choose largely depends on your personal taste. For instance, if you prefer neutrals, you can pick taupe, a greyish brown that shares the attributes of both shades, being both rich and versatile. But if you want to go for something more colourful this year, mocha shades are the best, as they will add depth to your room and make your surroundings warmer and relaxing. 

Deep rusts that combine dark brown with red can also create a cosy atmosphere while also making your room feel atmospheric and stylish. To really bring it out, pair it with cream or a subdued green. This kind of palette can actually change depending on how and when natural light enters your room, and is very much reminiscent of the outdoors. 


Black is a neutral as well, but rarely considered as such in interior design. That’s because getting it to look right can be quite difficult, and it can be even trickier to get it to work in a smaller home, as it can make the whole place feel even smaller and claustrophobic. However, it seems that many will be more willing to try black in 2024. Its moodiness will be part of its appeal this year, but that doesn’t mean you have to paint all your walls in it. 

Having an accent wall or choosing it for furniture will work just as well. If you have bright areas in your home that use shades of pink, white or yellow, black can be used to counterbalance them and create a simpler design. Soft black is especially versatile and inviting, as it is dustier and mellower, and therefore more calming for the eyes.  Black can also change the perspective and brings an awareness of the space that no other hue can. 


There’s no denying the appeal of blue. It is the favourite colour of many people, and psychologically associated with feelings of calm, relaxation and tranquillity. It is also one of the rarest colours in nature, as there’s no naturally occurring compound to create the shade. That’s also why the colour was quite expensive earlier in history. The Ancient Egyptians created the first pigment in 2,200 BC by heating limestone, sand and azurite together. Lapis lazuli was also favoured, and the shade known as Egyptian blue still exists and is considered the first synthetic pigment in the world. 

If you love deep, bold tones, you can also look into cobalt blue, Phthalo blue, Prussian blue and YInMn Blue, named after the chemical symbols of yttrium, indium and manganese. These rich shades will naturally look stunning with all the neutrals, but also work paired with yellow, brown and even pink for striking contrasts. It all depends on whether you want the room to feel more relaxing and breezy, or if you would rather go for something that will be more impactful. 


Pink has been incredibly popular over the past couple of years, anticipating the arrival of the Barbie movie. When the production reached cinemas last year, it created a frenzy, leading many to adopt it into their wardrobes. Getting it into your home décor can seem like taking things a step too far, but it’s actually the best way to instil a sense of optimism into your household. Pink is a warm colour, and also remarkably versatile. 

You don’t have to choose the very bright, magenta pink unless you like shades that are truly attention-grabbing. There are many shades that are softer and earthier, and which can act more as staples than accent pieces. 

In 2024, colour trends will be more focused on bringing back colour and vibrant hues into the home. While neutrals remain staples, don’t be afraid to integrate some brighter shade into interior design this year. 

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