Life Style

4 Practical Tips to Quell Sexual Boredom in LDRs

Love relationships are often fraught with challenges, but long-distance relationships even more so. Physical contact is vital in fostering intimacy, and being apart takes that away.

LDR couples don’t have the advantages of having one’s partner by their side. Affection is communicated in texts and hugs —while kisses are depicted in emojis. Even in this highly digital era, the connection can be vexing and still leaves room for wanting more. Many things are simply impossible to accomplish, esp. sex.

Sex, or simply physical intimacy like kissing, cuddling, and holding hands, is essential in romantic relationships. Besides making you feel good, it strengthens your emotional bond and establishes mutual trust and love. In LDRs, prolonged physical detachment and sexual deprivation can take your relationship to a slump.

From maintaining good communication to spicing up your Zoom dates with interactive penis machines, below are some practical tips to keep that sizzle in your LDR.

1. Communicate

Good communication is a core tenet of a healthy relationship. It’s all the more important when you have miles between you. You can talk about anything and everything and explore various topics from the mundane to the profound. Take this as an opportunity for you to get to know your partner on a deeper, more intimate level.

With phones and the Internet, you have more communication channels at your disposal, and reaching out to your partner is relatively easy.

Send random texts and DMs. Cute, quirky random messages throughout the day are sweet and unexpected. They let your partner know they’re always in your thoughts.

Send voice messages. Your voice adds a more personal touch to your messages. If you’re feeling a little extra, a sexy voice message can turn the heat up.

Video chat. Whether via Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, or Messenger, you can interact with your loved ones in real-time. You can surprise them with a call right after you get good news at work or when they’re in bed and about to sleep. Or you may schedule a particular time each day or each week to speak, so you don’t interrupt their sleep or an important meeting — it also gives you something to look forward to.

Write love letters. A heartfelt email every now and then is a sweet surprise. You’re exerting extra effort to express your love, and it’s absolutely romantic. Now imagine how much more pleasure a handwritten love letter in their mailbox brings!

While you’re at it, it’s important to remember not to overdo it with communication. Constant, excessive communication can happen, especially if it turns clingy and gets in the way of the things you or they should be doing instead of work, sleep, or whatnot.

Don’t forget that they’re in a different state or continent for a reason and that they have a life that doesn’t revolve around you. So, keep your communication strong, but don’t suffocate your relationship.

2. Schedule Date Nights

Just because you’re apart doesn’t mean you can’t go out (or stay in) for a date with your partner. You can set a special date to share some quality time with them. You can watch the same movie at the same time while on a phone or video call with them so you can talk and share your reactions, or you can eat dinner at the same time while on a Skype call with them — just make sure you’ve got a strong internet connection.

3. Have Intimate Sexual Convos and Phone Sex

Since you rely on tech so much, why don’t you up your ante and crank up your sex life with it as well? Use it to be sexually intimate with your partner. Maintaining your sexual intimacy helps release stress and improves your connection.

Be open about intimate topics in your conversations. Talk about how much you miss each other and what you want to do with each other. Flirt and exchange naughty photos if you like. You can even take it up another notch with mutual play using teledildonics – yes, there are vibes or penis machines your partner can use that you can control at your end and vice versa.

Intimate conversations can teach you new ways to satisfy your partner and help keep your passion alive until your next meeting. If dirty talk or phone sex is not your cup of tea, you can just flirt with your partner and have naughty chats to heighten your sexual mood.

4. Surprise Them With A Visit

Well, who doesn’t like surprises? Especially when it’s the love of their life showing up at their front door. That being said, make sure your relationship has reached that level of commitment, and it’s not just some internet fling — otherwise, imagine their horror.


A long-distance relationship works if you both work to stay connected and keep it strong. So try to spice up your communication to avoid boredom and keep your intimacy ablaze. If your love is strong, distance is but a momentary obstacle.

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