
Making the Most of Cities & Towns Reopening

With life tentatively returning to some kind of normality, businesses will be desperate to kickstart their recovery and take advantage of the expected economic boom this summer. There will be pent-up demand, so as a business you will want to make sure that you are standing out from the crowd and attracting your target customer as the towns and cities reopen and footfall increases.

Footfall a Key Indicator

Footfall is a key indicator of a town centre’s vitality and viability, so you will want to keep a close eye on this in the coming months. During the pandemic, footfall fell a staggering 75% in major cities and towns and this made it hard for those that were able to stay open to succeed.

Footfall On the Rise

Interestingly, it was reported in September of 2020 that it was town centres that were holding up better than the major cities as people looked to their local area for their needs and to get out of the home. With restrictions lifting, it is hoped that the major cities will pick up once again, particularly once people start returning to the office (at least on a part-time basis).

Get Noticed

So, what is the best way for a business to capitalise on the reopening and increase in footfall? You will need to do something to get noticed, especially when every business is vying for customers. You should find that one of the most effective ways to engage your target customer and attract people to your business is with the use of flyers.

Why Flyers are Ideal Post-COVID

Leaflets can be delivered door-to-door, handed out to passers-by and placed in visible spaces (just be sure to ask the space’s owner first!) to catch the attention of people while they are out and about. People will be spending a lot more time outside in the coming months and you will want to make sure that you are promoting your business effectively.

Not only are flyers an effective way to reach people as major towns and cities reopen, but you will also find that this can be an affordable form of promotion too. You can get high-quality flyer leaflets printed by specialists with an eye-catching design that will appeal to your target customer and encourage people to use your business in the coming months. Hopefully, this will engage people and help to kickstart your recovery.

The coming months will be a crucial period for businesses as footfall increases and major cities and towns see a flurry of economic activity. You will want to take advantage of this in order to start your business recovery from COVID-19 and you may well find that flyers are one of the most effective ways that you can do this.

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