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Pet Friendly Interior Design Tips

Getting a pet is a hugely exciting time; you are getting a new family member, but if you are into interior design then the feeling of excitement is likely slightly mixed with trepidation. While a new pet will bring endless hours of joy it also comes with the potential to disrupt your interior design setup. However, having a beautiful home and a pet does not have to be mutually exclusive, you can have both stunning interiors and a happy and healthy pet.

1. Choose Hard Floors

When you are designing your home for a pet you should skip the rugs and carpets and instead go for hard floors. Choosing hard floors like hardwood, concrete, stone and tile will eliminate the chances of your pet scratching the floor. A hard floor will also help you to keep your home cleaner, as hard floors are much easier to keep clean from dirt and hair.

2. Design A Pet Station

Designing a set pet station is a great way to minimize the impact that your pet will have on your home. Your pet station does not have to be huge, in fact, the only items you need at your pet station is the water and food bowls. Whether you are feeding your pet dry or raw dog food, there is no reason why you can’t use chic dog bowls, like the elevated bowl, to keep the pet station looking good. You should also add a little mat to make the station easier to keep clean.

3. Don’t Buy Too Much

When you get a new pet it can be easy to want to spoil them by buying them all the toys and beds possible. However, your pet is not able to conceptualize your generosity and what you will be left with is a large collection of pet products. Be mindful of what you are buying when you get a new pet and try and keep your purchases to a minim.

4. Choose Chic Dog Toys

Although you won’t want to buy too much stuff, there are certain necessities when buying a new pet, one of which is toys. If you are buying a puppy, it is actually pretty critical that you get them some toys, otherwise, they might end up chewing on your table or chair legs. However, dog toys don’t have to be hideous – choose some chic toys to make sure your home is not littered with ugly chew toys.

5. Buy Some Throw Blankets

If you are planning on letting your new pet sit on the furniture then you should invest in some throw blankets. Getting throw blankets, the color of which matches the fur of your pet can help you to keep your home clean and looking good while allowing your pet to make themselves at home.

6. Bathe Your Pet Often

You should make sure to groom and bathe your pet often to remove dirt that collects in the fur and remove loose hair. You should also regularly trim your pet’s nails to reduce the chances of your pet scratching the floor.

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